It looks like the Governator has finally struck an agreement with the state government over California's $26 billion deficit. The deal reduced the deficit by $15 billion through decreased spending and increased borrowing, but would impose no new tax increases. Here's how they cut the spending:
- Cut nearly $6bn from schools and community colleges and close to $3bn from the state’s university system
- $1.3bn will be cut from Medi-Cal, the health program for low earners and the poor
- CalWorks, the state’s welfare-to-work program will have its funding cut by $528m, while Healthy Families, a program that provides health insurance for 930,000 low-income children, will be cut by $124m
- In-home support services program for the frail and disabled will have its funding slashed
- The agreement will clear the way for oil drilling to resume off the coast of Santa Barbara
So not only will this specifically punish the most vulnerable in California, but also clears the way to resume oil drilling off of the coast? I feel horrible for Californians...
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